Sender Intuition: Senders Don't Send

TL;DR: They don’t send, but conceptually they do.


I’ve been keeping an eye on the P2300 “Senders” proposal for generic asynchrony for many years, but felt like I never quite “got” it. I know I’m not the only one who has found it challenging to grok, leading to questions like “is then(f) a sender–receiver?” (It’s not; see below.) Yet, I could tell a while ago that it showed amazing promise, taking inspiration from Stepanov with the ambitious goal of generically abstracting asynchronous programming with the goal of zero runtime abstraction overhead. The promise is that this will allow us to write code that works equally well for describing asynchronous algorithms on a microcontroller (without allocation or exceptions) as it does for distributing the processing of terabytes of data across a cluster of GPUs or other supercomputers. It’s a lofty goal, but as far as I can tell the goal is being met! Somehow my confusion dissolved on my drive home from the airport after CppCon 2024. Let me share the step-by-step understanding that finally made it click.


P2300 describes asynchronous work as “senders” – things which do some work (or none at all) and “send” the answer (or non-answer or stopped signal or an error) on to another stage, ensuring that the resources needed for that stage are kept alive for its duration, and making all data transfer explicit, avoiding raw synchronization primitives. This provides a C++ API – arguably a domain-specific language – that lets us write code like this:

auto result = sync_wait(  
    when_all(schedule(sch) | then(f),  
             schedule(sch) | then(g))  

To compute f on and g potentially in parallel, without even allocating memory!

But what is the computer actually doing? As a C++ programmer, I want intuition for what’s going on behind the abstraction! By that I mean like when I see

auto x = std::vector{1, 2, 3};  

in my head I can picture

auto __ptr = new int[]{1, 2, 3};   
auto x = Vec<int>{.data_ = __ptr, .end_ = __ptr + 3, .cap_ = __ptr + 3};  
// ...  
delete x.data_; //< RAII: We won’t leak!  

To me the beauty of C++ is the ability to have those zero-cost abstractions, allowing for clean code where I can still reason about the underlying details. I want a similar level of intuition when looking at Senders code.

Because it has a multitude of design goals, the Senders design has a lot of pieces to it. I want to focus on two parts:

  1. A domain-specific language for describing asynchronous operations using expression templates.
  2. A customizable system for dispatching asynchronous work.

For me, intuition for (1) requires that I understand at least the basics of (2) so that I know approximately how the asynchronous code will actually be executed. But if you step into implementations, you quickly find yourself in a sea of underscores, namespaces, and customization-point objects. There are good reasons for all of these things, but they hindered my understanding.

Conceptually a sender is something you can “connect” to a “receiver” and “press start” and know that eventually the receiver you connected will be notified of the result (or get a stopped signal or an error value).

Not stricktly correct: Conceptually a sender is connected to a reciever allowing you to call `start()`.

When people say “this sender does that and sends its result…”, that’s what they mean, but as we’ll see below, that’s not exactly what happens, and if you are expecting that, you’ll get lost.

So what’s really going on? Let’s consider some expressions you’ll see in Senders code:

So, what can you do with senders? I heard they send things and connect to things. I’ve heard about receivers. Are some senders also receivers? Certainly that must be the case, right? (I had thought then(f) was somehow a sender and a receiver.) We are making a pipeline of senders, right? (We are not.) Senders get connected to receivers? (Yes and no.)

The one thing you can do with a sender is call connect(snd, rec). That’s it.

OK, so then what is a receiver? A receiver is a callback that, conceptually, a sender can send to. We take one sender (which can represent a whole chain of work), and plug it into a receiver, producing an object that’s ready to run – where we can call start() and know that eventually the receiver will receive the result (or a stop or error signal). But here’s the rub: While we might say “you connect a sender to a receiver”, that’s not precisely true. At least not in the same sense that in an object-oriented framework you might connect an object to a callback, modifying the source object. Remember, we want to be able to avoid allocation, and these are value types assembled as expression templates, so we don’t mutate the senders (i.e., you will never find a sender that is connected to a receiver), instead, connection produces a new object: an operation state. Typically this will have a copy of the receiver in it, but in general it won’t include the sender that was passed to connect. If this feels like a lot of indirection without getting to the “do parallel work” part, keep in mind that this design needs to admit basically all asynchrony, and so there are reasons for these layers. My goal here is just to clarify what the layers are.

So what does connecting do? As a diagram, it’s more like this:

Calling `connect(sender, receiver)` produces an operation state containing the receiver and exposing a `start()` member function.`

But diagrams are handwavy. Let’s look at a very simple example with code. We can make our own receiver that logs the call to set_value:

//! A receiver that accepts the value channel and prints it.  
struct printing_receiver {  
    using receiver_concept = ex::receiver_t;  
    void set_value(auto&&... args) noexcept {  
        fmt::println("set_value{}", std::tie(args...));  
    // Could similarly have `void set_stopped() noexcept;` 
    // and `void set_error(auto&& e) noexcept;`.  
Writing connect(ex::just("foo"), printing_receiver{}).start() is a very round-about (and dicy) way to write fmt::println("set_value{}", std::tuple{"foo"});, but it’s illustrative: A receiver is a simple thing: it’s the end of these pipelines. As it turns out, they do more than that, some of which we’ll see below.

So what happens? Where does the result of connect come from? The connect customization–point object is customizable for any sender and receiver, but here it’s just(x) that provided it: just(x) is a sender – it doesn’t have a corresponding receiver type, but it does have an operation state that conceptually is

//! Operation state for unary `just(x)`.
//! Starting it calls set_value on the downstream receiver.
template <typename T, ex::receiver Downstream>
struct JustOpState {
    T x;
    Downstream downstream;
    void start() noexcept {
        ex::set_value(this->downstream, this->x);

Where connect is customized so that auto opState = connect(just(42), printing_receiver{}); turns into

auto opState = JustOpState{.x = 123, .downstream = printing_receiver{}};  

And then opState.start() just calls downstream.set_value(123) on the printing_receiver.
Notice that there are no senders left after opState has been constructed: the temporary that is the result of just(42) is gone. While you will hear people say we “connect a sender to a receiver” – and at a high level that’s true – we actually created an operation state corresponding to that sender connected to that receiver.

Let’s build on that: just(x) | then(f) (equivalently then(just(x), f)) is a sender that we say “completes” with a value of decltype(f(x)). (Again, strictly speaking it doesn’t complete: it gets transformed into something else that ultimately calls set_value on the receiver we called connect with it.) The expression then(just(x), f), is a sender. Looking at the right end of the pipeline it’s a then sender (that is, a sender produced by the then adapter). That sender itself contains (a copy of) the just(x) sender). What happens when we connect it? Well, a then sender needs an operation state for connecting it to a receiver. Here’s what a then sender looks like:

//! Sender for the `then` adapter.
//! Wraps an upstream sender with a function call.
template <stdexec::sender Upstream, typename Fn>
struct ThenSender {
    // Explicit concept opt-in:
    using sender_concept = ex::sender_t;
    Upstream upstream;
    Fn fn;

    auto connect(ex::receiver auto downstream) {
        return ex::connect(
            ThenReceiver{.downstream = downstream, .fn = this->fn}

Note that it encapsulates everything to the left in the pipeline (the just), so in this case Upstream is JustSender<int>, so it’s basically ThenSender{.upstream = JustSender{x}, .fn = f}.

Let’s look at connect: Basically it turns nested nested sender-adapter “onion” inside out. The recursive call to ex::connect(this->upstream, ...) will produce upstream’s operation state wrapped around ThisReceiver with downstream inside. So in the case of then(just(x), f), calling connect returns the result of connecting just(x) to a ThenReceiver. So what’s that?

//! A receiver for the `then` sender adapter.
//! Wraps a downstream receiver with a function call.
template <typename Fn, ex::receiver Downstream>
struct ThenReceiver {
    // Explicit concept opt-in:
    using receiver_concept = ex::receiver_t;

    Fn fn;
    Downstream downstream;

    void set_value(auto x) noexcept {
        ex::set_value(this->downstream, this->fn(x));

So putting it all together: we started with then(just(x), f) which is essentially

ThenSender{.upstream = JustSender{x}, .fn = f}  

and when we call auto opState = connect(then(just(x), f), printing_receiver{}); it evaluates to

auto opState = JustOpState{
    .x = x, 
    .downstream =  
        ThenReceiver{.fn = f, .downstream = printing_receiver{}

Let’s review what happened here:

  1. opState has no senders in it.
  2. There is only one operation state (JustOpState), corresponding to the “start” of the sender pipeline – to “starting” then(just(x), f).
  3. The nested sender-adapter “onion” has been turned inside-out, putting the final receiver at the inside, and the “just” part on the outside.
  4. The sender adapter then(f) first transformed into a sender (then(just(x), f)), but ultimately, since it’s an adapter, it gets represented by a receiver. There is no operation state corresponding to then(f), just for then(just(x), f) – and that one is a “just” operation state (containing a “then” receiver containing the final receiver).
  5. just doesn’t have a corresponding receiver – it starts a chain of senders and so has an associated operation state but no receiver.
  6. Both ThenReceiver and JustOpState could easily have access to printing_receiver, so with some additional API it’s not hard to imagine that they could read information out of it, like if it wanted to provide a stop_token. This was not true of the sender passed to connect. This seems to be a key to the design: by going from a sender (possibly composed of adaptors around other senders) to an operation state where the nesting is inverted, the design separates composition from the runtime details that the ultimate receiver can provide.


The above is just a long way to compose functions (as Sean Parent points out in his NYC++ talk linked above). Let’s distribute the work. There’s a sender factory function, schedule such that schedule(sch) is a sender that we might say “completes with no values on a given execution resource”. What does that mean, intuitively? It’s very similar to just() except it has to hold the resource. The sender is simple:

template <ex::scheduler Sch>  
struct ScheduleSender {  
    Sch scheduler;  

//! Operation state for scheduling:  
template <ex::receiver Downstream>  
struct MyPoolSchedulerOpState {  
    MyPoolScheduler sch;  
    Downstream downstream;  
    void start() {
        // It's the caller's responsability to 
        // keep *this alive to the end of execution,
        // so locally here it's safe to capture this:
            [this] { this->downstream.set_value(); }

auto connect(
    ScheduleSender<MyPoolScheduler> snd,
    ex::receiver auto downstream
) {  
    return MyPoolSchedulerOpState{snd.sch, downstream};  

So when connected, we get a MyPoolSchedulerOpState<...>, and when started, the calling thread executes this->sch.getResource().enqueue([this] { this->downstream.set_value(); }); and immediately returns, causing the thread pool to wake up and eventually call this->downstream.set_value();. In contrast, I’ve heard talks say things like “When the schedule(sch) sender starts, it’s going to start on a thread in that thread pool.” That’s conceptually correct a very high level, but that language can trip people up: objects that model the std::execution::sender concept don’t ever actually start, and in as much as they do, they start on the thread that called opState.start().

I want to highlight two things here:

  1. The lifetime of the operation state is managed by the caller of start() – that caller had better have some way of knowing when it’s OK to destroy the operation state! For this reason, library code typically hides the receivers and the call to start(), and the final receiver likely has a condition variable or some similar way to indicate that the chain has completed.
  2. This enqueue as written here may have to allocate in some way. However, MyPoolSchedulerOpState is specialized for the execution resource, so the operation state could hold the node of a linked list of work to do.


We’ve just walked through simple pipelines and scheduling in excruciating detail. I hope this starts to give you some intuition for what Senders code is doing at asynchronous execution time.
Stated explicitly:

  1. Senders don’t send. Conceptually, they represent the idea of doing some work and transferring data and control flow to a receiver, but strictly speaking, they are placeholder objects that contain just enough information to describe the work they need to do. I’m sure I’ll start to describe them as sending, but that’s shorthand for “when connected to a receiver, they correspond to all or part of an operation state that sends to a receiver”.
  2. Pipelines of senders with sender adapters are left-associative (it’s operator| after all), meaning it’s a layered object with the “source” sender at the core and the sender created by the rightmost sender-adapter (i.e., the combined sender for the whole pipeline) on the outside: (just(x) | then(f)) | then(g).
  3. Like Eigen and C++20 range adapters, all of this stuff is based around the idea of expression templates. This makes room for a ton of compiler optimization.
  4. “Connecting” a sender to a receiver doesn’t produce a connected sender-receiver. It produces an operation state, which is conceptually the connected sener-receiver pair, but is a different type. In addition, this operation state is a core of this design because it outlives its operation, so it’s a non-allocating place to store information needed for that operation. This is part of what is meant by “structured concurrency”.
  5. Calling connect turns the nesting inside-out, leaving nested receivers with the ultimate sink at the core, but where the “skin” of the onion is the operation state for the initial sender (e.g., for just() or for schedule(sch)). After calling connect, we are done with the sender we passed in. It doesn’t need to still be alive when start() is called.
  6. An operation state object is opaque, immovable, and conceptually has just one “button” on it you can “press”: start(). If you press it, it’s your job to ensure its lifetime extends beyond completion.

Applying Intuition: when_all

The above gives the basic intuition for what schedule(sch) | then(f) | then(g) means and how, given a receiver, it would be transformed into an operation state that includes a receiver “onion”. For me, once I understood these things, the intuition for the other senders feels pretty accessible. As a quick example, consider when_all, which takes senders and sends their combined results as a tuple, doing reasonable things about cancelation and errors. Since when_all(s0, s1) is a sender (not an adapter) so it doesn’t have a corresponding receiver, but it needs an operation state. The senders we pass in must complete, so when_all’s must provide receivers for each of the two senders, and a place to store each result, and when_all, once connected will produce an and operation state that includes the operation state s0 and s1 connected to those internal receivers. It also needs a stop source (which can be a std::inplace_stop_source since the operation state provides a safe non-heap place to put such resources!) so if any of the included senders stops, no further senders are started, and probably an atomic counter so the last thread out can send the results onward. That’s a bit of handwaving, but now I can at least imagine it.

Further Intuition

There a bunch more questions I haven’t yet explored in depth, but could be their own articles:

If there’s enough interest, I’d consider digging into these or other topics in future posts.


There’s a lot of machinery in Senders, but at its core, it’s solving a very hard problem. Could it be simpler? Maybe? But I think we primarily need more documentation of the the details so we can all have an intuition for what code-gen will result from composed sender algorithms. See to explore for yourself.

Thanks to the following people: